Adobe Pagemaker 6.5/7 , Adobe Photoshop 7/CS, Corel Draw , Flash.
Adobe Pagemaker 6.5/7 , Adobe Photoshop 7/CS, Corel Draw , Flash.
Computer Fundamentals, Windows 7, Ms Office 2007, System Tools, Virus, Internet, MS Access, Programming in HTML, Programming in C, Accounting Concept & Tally ERP and Regional Software.
Computer Basics, Windows 7, MS Office 2010 (Word, Excel, Access, Power Point), Internet, Photo Shop, HTML, CSS, Language C, C++, Structural Analysis, Prgramming Concept, PHP, MySQL, Oracle, Data Base Management
Fundamental of Computer, Notepad, Wordpad, MS-Paint, using Calculator, Advance Windows, MS-DOS, MS-Office 2007 (Word,Excel,Powerpoint,Access) Visual Basic, Internet, BanglaWord. Adobe Pagemaker 6.5/7, Adobe Photoshop 7/cs
Computer Fundamentals, Ms Office 2010 (Word, Excel, Access, Power Point), Internet, English & Regional Typing,Spoken English,DTP (Pagemaker, Corel Draw, Photoshop), Accounting Concept, Tally, Introduction of Hardware & Software, Internet.
Fundamental of Computer,Windows, MS Office (Word, Excel, Access, Power Point), C and C++, RDBMS Concepts with SQL SERVER, HTML AND DHTML, VB.NET, JAVA Script, Tally ERP.9, DTP (Pagemaker, Corel Draw, Photoshop, Regional Typing) Hardware (PC Assembling & Software Installation).
Computer Fundamentals, Typing Practice, Windows 7, Ms Office 2007, System Tools, Virus, Internet, MS Access, Programming in HTML, Pagemaker, Corel Draw, Photoshop, Project Work, Regional Software.
Fundamental of Computer, Operating System , MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access), Internet (Email, Online Searching, Downloading, Online Banking). Back Office Training, Desk Top Publishing (Photoshop, Page Maker, Corel Draw), Printing and Scanning, Computer Accounting (Tally), Introduction of Hardware.
Fundamental of Computer, Operating System, Paint, Notepad, Microsoft Office (Word,Excel, Power Point, Access)Internet & Online Work, Bangla Word, Web Design (HTML and CSS and Online Host Website)English Typing, Data Entry, Photoshop, ImageReady Pagemaker, Handling Printer & Scan.
Computer Fundamentals, Windows 7, Photoshop, Corel Draw, Flash, Premiere, After Effects, Sound Forge, 3DsMax.
Computer Fundamentals, Windows 7, Office 2010 (Word, Excel, Access, Power Point), Pagemaker, Coral Draw, Photoshop, Tally, Hardware Concept, Internet.
Computer Fundamentals, Photoshop, Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe In Design, Flash.
Computer Fundamentals, Plan, Elevation, Section, Site Plan, Key Plan, Service Plan, with 3Ds Max, Photoshop, Revit, Interior Designing, Exterior Designing.
Adobe Premeir, Flash, Photoshop , Vegas 6.0, Xara 3D ,Cool 3D, Animated GIF.
Computer Fundamentals, Operating System (Windows 8.1), Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access), Internet Concept, Typing Master & Bangla Word Software, Adobe Pagemaker & Photoshop 7.0, HTML & CSS, Tally ERP 9 Basics, Basic Hardware Maintenance.
Computer Fundamental , Windows -7, Ms Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access), Adobe Pagemaker, Adobe Photoshop, Coral Draw, Regional Typing, HTML, Internet, Basic Of Programming with C Language, Tally.
Ms Paint, Windows Explorer, WordPad, Note Pad, Basic Shortcut Key, History Of Computer, Classification of Computer & System, Bangla Word, Avro Bangla, English Typing ( Typing Master ), MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, Print & Scanner Handling, Internet, Mailing, Network, Visual Basic 6.0, Adobe Photoshop & Image Ready, Html & CSS or Java Script, Basic Tally Prime with GST, All Device, Maintenance.
Computer Fundamentals, Windows, Ms Office (Word, Excel, Power Point), HTML, Internet, Photoshop
Computer Fundamentals, Windows, Ms Office (Word, Excel, Access, Power Point), Internet, Web Page Design, Regional Typing, Pagemaker, Corel Draw, Photoshop.
Computer Concept & Fundamentals, Operating System, MS-office (MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-Power Point, MS-Access), HTML & Front Page, DTP,Financial Accounting,Tally with GST
Computer Fundamentals, Operating System - Windows 7 & DOS, Ms - Paint, Ms Office 2010 (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access), English & Regional Typing, Internet & E-Mail, HTML, Visual Basic, C++, , Instant Artist,Page Maker 6.5/7, Photoshop 7, Multimedia, Tally (Basic Concept).
Computer Fundamentals, Windows 7, Ms -Paint, Notepad, Wordpad, English Typing using Typing Master, Bangla Word, Ms Office (Word, Excel, Access, Power Point), Internet, Scanner & Printer Handling.
Computer Fundamentals, Typing Master, Nudi 4.0, Windows7, Ms. Office 2010 (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access), Accounting Concept, Tally Erp. 9, Internet, HTML, Business Communication, C, C++, VB, Oracle, Java, Multimedia.
Computer Fundamentals, Designing Concept, Corel Draw, Photo Shop, Flash, Page Maker, Dream Weaver, HTML, DHTML, VB Script
Computer Fundamentals, Ms DOS, Windows 7, Ms Office 2010 (Ms Word, Ms Excel, Ms Power Point, Ms Access) Regional Typing, Page Maker, Photoshop, Instant Artist C++, Visual Basic, Basic Concepts of Tally, HTML, Internet & E-mail.
Computer Fundamentals, Windows 7, Ms. Paint, Wordpad, DOS, Ms Office 2007 (Word, Excel, Power Point), HTML, Bengla Word, Visual Foxpro, English Typing, Internet, Tally.
Computer Fundamentals, Windows, Ms Word, Computer Typing, Shorthand, English Conversation, Business Correspondence, One Month Practical Training.
Computer Fundamentals, Windows 7, Accounting Concept, Tally, Others Accounting Package, Internet.
Computer Fundamentals, Windows 7, Construction & Functioning of Different PC Parts (Monitor, Mother Board, Hard Disk, CD-ROM, Video System, Sound System, Modems etc.), Configuring the CMOS Setup, Maintenance & Troubleshooting, Software Installation, Troubleshooting,Computer Virus, LAN, Networking etc.
Accounting Concept, Tally Erp.9, C,C++, VB, JAVA, Multimedia Concept, Internet
Basics of Networking, Hub/Switch/Router, Router/Switch Memory, Upgrade, Booting Process, Access Mechanism, and Command Line Configuration, IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing, Switching, VLANs, and VTP, Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), Rapid STP, and EtherChannel, Routing - Static and Dynamic Routing, : Routing - OSPF, EIGRP, and BGP, Network Security - Firewall, Access Lists, NAT, and VPN, Network Services and Management
Course Content:
Module 1: Basics of Networking
- Introduction to computer networks
- OSI and TCP/IP models
- Understanding network components and protocols
Module 2: Hub/Switch/Router
- Overview of network devices: hubs, switches, and routers
- Functions and features of hubs, switches, and routers
- Connecting and configuring network devices
Module 3: Router/Switch Memory, Upgrade, Booting Process, Access Mechanism, and
Command Line Configuration
- Understanding router and switch memory
- Upgrading router/switch software
- Booting process and configuration modes
- Accessing and configuring routers/switches via command line interface
Module 4: IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing
- Introduction to IP addressing
- Classes of IP addresses
- Private and public IP addressing
- Subnetting techniques and subnet masks
- Introduction to IPv6 addressing
Module 5: Switching, VLANs, and VTP
- Understanding switching concepts
- Creating VLANs and assigning ports
- Inter-VLAN routing
- VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP)
Module 6: Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), Rapid STP, and EtherChannel
- STP and its importance in preventing loops
- Rapid STP for faster convergence
- Configuring EtherChannel (link aggregation)
Module 7: Routing - Static and Dynamic Routing
- Static routing and its configuration
- Dynamic routing protocols overview
- Configuring dynamic routing protocols (RIPv2, OSPF)
Module 7: Routing - Static and Dynamic Routing
- Static routing and its configuration
- Dynamic routing protocols overview
- Configuring dynamic routing protocols (RIPv2, OSPF)
Module 8: Routing - OSPF, EIGRP, and BGP
- In-depth study of OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)
- Understanding EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)
- Introduction to BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)
Module 9: Network Security - Firewall, Access Lists, NAT, and VPN
- Introduction to network security
- Configuring access lists for traffic control
- Network Address Translation (NAT) for IP address translation
- Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) for secure remote connectivity
Module 10: Network Services and Management
- Syslog for network event logging
- DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) for IP address assignment
- HSRP (Hot Standby Router Protocol) for router redundancy
- NTP (Network Time Protocol) for time synchronization
- CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) for network device discovery
Computer Fundamental, Operating System, MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point), Photoshop, Corel Draw, Page Maker, HTML, Internet, Multimedia, Tally 9.0, Hardware & Networking, Data Entry Work.
Computer Fundamentals, DOS, Windows Explorer, MS Word 2010, MS Excel 2010, MS Powerpoint 2010, MS Access 2010, English Typing, Bengali Typing (Bangla Word), HTML, Internet Browsing & Searching.
Fundamentals of Computer, Operating System - Windows 10, Typing Master, MS Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Database Management System (Visual Foxpro), Programming Fundamentals, Programming Using Visual Basic, Database Management System Using MS Access, Overview of VB.Net, Project on Visual Basic and MS Access, Internet Applications.
Computer Fundamentals, Windows 7, MS Office (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point), Accounting Concept, Tally ERP9, Taxation, Internet
Semester - I : Computer Fundamentals, Operating System (Window XP / Windows 2007), Data Representation & Boolean Algebra, Visual Basic (Basic Concepts), MS Office (Word Power Point). Semester - II : Introduction to Network & Internet, Introduction to DBMS and SQL, MS Office (Excel, Access).
Computer Fundamentals, Windows, Ms Office (Word, Excel, Power Point), Accounting Concept with Tally, Internet & Email, Communication Skill, Front Office & Back Office Maintenance , Public relation and Customer Handling, Office File Handling, Scanner & Printer Handling, Basic Hardware Concept.
Semester - 1 : Computer Concept & Fundamentals, Opperating System (Windows XP, windows 7), MS Office (Word,Excel,Power Point), Regional Typing, Introduction to Internet & Emaill. Semester - 2 : Page Maker, Croel Draw, Photo Shop, Free Hand, Project Work & Practical.
Computer Basics, Windows 7, MS Office 2010 (Word, Excel, Access Power Point), Internet, Photo Shop, HTML, CSS, Language C, C++, Structural Analysis, Prgramming Concept, PHP, Data Base Management.
MS Access, HTML , Visual Basic 6, Bangla Ward, Internet, Photoimpact XL.
Computer Fundamentals, Windows 7, Construction & Functioning of Different PC Parts (Monitor, Mother Board, Hard Disk, CD-ROM etc.), Software Installation, Troubleshooting,LAN,Networking etc.
Computer Fundamental, Windows 10, Networking, Internet Multimedia, Hardware Maintenance, MS Office 2021(Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access), Tally prime with GST, Bill, Taxation, DTP (PageMaker, Corel draw, Photoshop), with all AI Tools.
Computer Fundamentals, Windows 7, Ms Office 2010 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), System Tools, Virus, Internet, HTML, DHTML, Programming in C, Visual Basic, Accounting Concept & Tally, Programming in C++, CPD.
Semester I : Computer Fundamentals, Ms Office (Ms Word, Ms Excel, Ms Power Point), Pagemaker, Corel Draw. Semester II : Photoshop, Tally With Basic Accounting Concept, Project Work.
Computer Fundamentals, Typing Tutor, O/S, Ms Office 2007 (Ms Word, Ms Excel, Ms Power Point, Ms Access) Regional Typing, Pagemaker, Photoshop, Instant Artist, Visual Basic, Internet & E-mail.
Computer Fundamentals, Fundamental of Accounts, Accounting Package Tally, Statutory Taxation, ERP Accounting Packages (Advance), Accounting for Business Decisions, Banking & Finance, Soft Skills and Job Skills, Personality Development Programme, Internet.
Fundamentals of Accounting, Introduction to Tally Prime, Chart of Accounts, Creating Inventory Masters, Accounting Vouchers, Viewing MIS Reports, Enabling GST, Enabling TDS Transactions, Order Processing and Recording of Inventory Vouchers, Banking Features, Export and Import of Data, Advanced GST Transactions.
Computer Fundamental, Windows XP/7/8.1, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Regional Typing, Internet, Adobe PageMaker, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Leap Office, All Type Computer Printing, Real Life Project Work.
Computer Fundamentals, Windows 7, Office 2010 (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access), Regional Typing, Photoshop 7, Video Mixing, HTML, Hardware Concept & Internet.
Computer Fundamentals, Windows 7, Ms. Paint, Wordpad, DOS, Ms. Office 2007 (Word, Excel, Power Point), HTML, Bengla Word, Visual Foxpro, English Typing, Internet.
Computer Fundamentals, DOS, Windows 7, Ms Office 2010 (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access), English Typing, Regional Typing, Photoshop 7.0, HTML, C Programming, Basic Tally ERP 9 & Internet.
Computer Fundamentals, Windows, Hindi Grammar, Spoken / Communicative Hindi, Hindi Typing Using Hindi Fonts.
Computer Basic, Tally, D.T.P., HTML, Programming C, C++, JAVA Script.
Computer Fundamentals, Windows 7, Typing Master, Nudi 4.0,Ms Office 2010 (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access), Internet, Business Communication, Personality Development, C, C++, VB, Java, HTML, Graphics Design ( Photoshop, Coreldraw), Web Design ( HTML, CSS).
Computer Fundamental, Windows 10, MS Office 2021 ( Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access) with AI Tools, Photoshop, PageMaker, Corel draw, Typing Bengali & English, Web Design(HTML,CSS), Java Script, Internet, Email, Networking, Tally Prime in Computer Accounting.
Computer Fundamentals, Windows 7, Ms -Paint, Notepad, Wordpad, English Typing using Typing Master, Bangla Word, Ms Office (Word, Excel, Power Point), Tally9 / Tally ERP 9, Real Life Project, Internet.
Computer Fundamentals, Typing Practice, Windows 7, Ms Office 2007, System Tools, Virus, Internet, MS Access, Programming in HTML, Programming in C, Programming using Visual Basic.
Computer Fundamentals, Fundamental of Accounts, Accounting Package Tally, Statutory Taxation, ERP Accounting Packages (Advance), Accounting for Business Decisions, Banking & Finance, Soft Skills and Job Skills, Personality Development Programme, Internet.
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