Central Board of Modern Computer Education
ONEMA FOUNDATION Registered Under Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), Govt of India. Onema Foundation is incorporated on this under the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) and that the company is limited by guarantee. And the Onema Foundation’s Child Company are: “ Central Board of Modern Computer Education” (CBMCE) and Registered under Govt. OF India ‘s Intellectual Property India, Ministry of Commerce& Industry ( Public Search of Trade Marks) .
- Our CIN No: - U85300WB2022NPL253980. working in different fields of Programme & Commercial training conducted by the State Government & Central Government to approach every class of the society.
Director’s Message
Today computer is a part of our daily life. The main focus of “Central Board of Modern Computer Education” (CBMCE) is to promote Computer Education for all. Those who do not know the alphabets they are also use computer, besides this many educated people also do not know to use computer, both cases the matter is dangerous. Since the matter is very urgent it needs to be reviewed. Computer education is important to all. Not only job-seekers young men but also grown-up people need the knowledge in computer. Keeping this goal in view, our organization continues to provide computer education for all. This fate will be successful with the blessing and co-operation of people. We invite all Indians to join with us in this noble mission. “Central Board of Modern Computer Education” (CBMCE) imparts training to the student & youth not only to increase their ability to get jobs but also to make them use IT knowledge in their everyday life to digitalis their life.
Our aim is to give practical education and training to the children and youth, which will enable them to take advantage of the technological growth and contribute positively towards the society while they are still learning

Total Students
Certified Students
Registered Students
Total Franchises
The Placement Cell
Placement cell of CBMCE is responsible for coordinating the placement activities of the students of the institute. A placement coordinator from the faculty heads the placement cell with committee members representing the students. Almost all the placement activities are organized and coordinated by the students under the guidance of the respective authorities.
Placement Procedure
An early intimation of the intended schedule would facilitate arrival at mutually convenient dates. The company may deliver Pre-Placement Talk eitt er earlier or before the campus recruitment programme itself. At the campus the company may conduct a written test and/or interview etc. Job offers and responses may be routed only through the placement coordinator.
Why Choose CBMCE
CBMCE provides single source for quality assurance in computer education among the nation's non-formal institutes, after turning out competent IT professionals in large numbers. CBMCE aims to provide maximum benefits to ALC and Students with quality...
Our Vision
To provide the best possible Professional & Technical education to every section in our society. To develop appropriate managerial and technical expertise and skills to face the emerging competitive situation in India and globe. The Organization seeks to groom young technocrats to combine the use of technical skills with an understanding of the socio-cultural system to emerge as leaders in their respective fields of endeavor and make significant co tribution through better management in all sectors of the economy and society.
Our Mission
We take up and participate in various projects related to Skill Development & Training, computer education, Vocational education and employment based training programs in association with corporate and government sector. We publish Help Journals to make people aware and encourage them to mix with the computer literate world and keep them update with the latest techniques in the field of computer &technology based business prospects.

What Client Say’s