MS Word Shortcut Key Table with Question answer

Here’s a list of A to Z keyboard shortcut keys commonly used in Microsoft Word:

Shortcut Key Function
Ctrl + A Select All text or items in a document
Ctrl + B Bold selected text
Ctrl + C Copy selected text or items
Ctrl + D Open the Font formatting dialog box
Ctrl + E Center align selected text
Ctrl + F Open the Find dialog box
Ctrl + G Open the Go To dialog box
Ctrl + H Open the Replace dialog box
Ctrl + I Italicize selected text
Ctrl + J Justify alignment of the text
Ctrl + K Insert a hyperlink
Ctrl + L Left align selected text
Ctrl + M Increase indent of the paragraph
Ctrl + N Create a new document
Ctrl + O Open an existing document
Ctrl + P Print the document
Ctrl + Q Remove paragraph formatting
Ctrl + R Right align selected text
Ctrl + S Save the document
Ctrl + T Create a hanging indent
Ctrl + U Underline selected text
Ctrl + V Paste copied text or items
Ctrl + W Close the document
Ctrl + X Cut selected text or items
Ctrl + Y Redo the last action
Ctrl + Z Undo the last action

Here's a table of commonly used Microsoft Word shortcut keys. The table is divided into categories for better understanding:

Function Shortcut Key
Basic Editing  
Copy Ctrl + C
Cut Ctrl + X
Paste Ctrl + V
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Select All Ctrl + A
Bold Ctrl + B
Italic Ctrl + I
Underline Ctrl + U
Strikethrough Ctrl + D, then Alt + K
Superscript Ctrl + Shift + +
Subscript Ctrl + =
Increase Font Size Ctrl + Shift + >
Decrease Font Size Ctrl + Shift + <
Clear Formatting Ctrl + Spacebar
Change Case (Toggle) Shift + F3
Paragraph Formatting  
Align Left Ctrl + L
Align Center Ctrl + E
Align Right Ctrl + R
Justify Ctrl + J
Single Line Spacing Ctrl + 1
Double Line Spacing Ctrl + 2
1.5 Line Spacing Ctrl + 5
Increase Paragraph Indent Ctrl + M
Decrease Paragraph Indent Ctrl + Shift + M
Create Bullet Point Ctrl + Shift + L
Navigating Documents  
Move to the beginning of document Ctrl + Home
Move to the end of document Ctrl + End
Move one word to the left Ctrl + Left Arrow
Move one word to the right Ctrl + Right Arrow
Move one paragraph up Ctrl + Up Arrow
Move one paragraph down Ctrl + Down Arrow
Scroll up one screen Page Up
Scroll down one screen Page Down
Text Selection  
Select by character Shift + Arrow Keys
Select by word Ctrl + Shift + Left/Right Arrow
Select by paragraph Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down Arrow
Select entire document Ctrl + A
Select from cursor to beginning Ctrl + Shift + Home
Select from cursor to end Ctrl + Shift + End
Inserting Special Items  
Insert Hyperlink Ctrl + K
Insert Footnote Alt + Ctrl + F
Insert Endnote Alt + Ctrl + D
Insert Page Break Ctrl + Enter
Insert Date Field Alt + Shift + D
Insert Time Field Alt + Shift + T
Other Useful Shortcuts  
Open Document Ctrl + O
Create New Document Ctrl + N
Save Document Ctrl + S
Print Document Ctrl + P
Close Document Ctrl + W
Open the Navigation Pane Ctrl + F
Spell Check F7
Thesaurus Shift + F7
Open Find Dialog Ctrl + F
Open Replace Dialog Ctrl + H
Open Go To Dialog Ctrl + G
Repeat the Last Action F4
Zoom In Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Up
Zoom Out Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Down
Table Operations  
Move to next cell in a table Tab
Move to previous cell in a table Shift + Tab
Add a row below Tab in the last cell
Windows-Specific Shortcuts  
Open Task Manager Ctrl + Shift + Esc
Minimize All Windows Windows Key + M
Switch Between Open Applications Alt + Tab
Lock the Computer Windows Key + L


Here are 50 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on basic computer shortcut keys:

1. What is the shortcut key to copy selected text or items?

A) Ctrl + V
B) Ctrl + C
C) Ctrl + X
D) Ctrl + Z

Correct Answer: B

2. What is the shortcut key to paste copied text or items?

A) Ctrl + V
B) Ctrl + P
C) Ctrl + X
D) Ctrl + C

Correct Answer: A

3. Which shortcut key is used to undo the last action?

A) Ctrl + Z
B) Ctrl + Y
C) Ctrl + X
D) Ctrl + U

Correct Answer: A

4. To redo an action, which shortcut is used?

A) Ctrl + Z
B) Ctrl + Y
C) Ctrl + A
D) Ctrl + P

Correct Answer: B

5. Which shortcut key is used to cut selected text or items?

A) Ctrl + V
B) Ctrl + C
C) Ctrl + X
D) Ctrl + Z

Correct Answer: C

6. What is the shortcut for selecting all text or items in a document?

A) Ctrl + A
B) Ctrl + S
C) Ctrl + P
D) Ctrl + N

Correct Answer: A

7. Which shortcut is used to save a document?

A) Ctrl + S
B) Ctrl + P
C) Ctrl + A
D) Ctrl + O

Correct Answer: A

8. What is the shortcut to print a document?

A) Ctrl + S
B) Ctrl + P
C) Ctrl + O
D) Ctrl + Z

Correct Answer: B

9. To open a new document, which shortcut key is used?

A) Ctrl + N
B) Ctrl + O
C) Ctrl + P
D) Ctrl + S

Correct Answer: A

10. What is the shortcut key to open an existing document?

A) Ctrl + P
B) Ctrl + O
C) Ctrl + S
D) Ctrl + A

Correct Answer: B

11. Which shortcut is used to close the currently active window or application?

A) Alt + F4
B) Ctrl + F4
C) Ctrl + W
D) Alt + Tab

Correct Answer: A

12. What is the shortcut for switching between open applications?

A) Alt + F4
B) Ctrl + Tab
C) Alt + Tab
D) Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Correct Answer: C

13. Which shortcut is used to refresh a webpage?

A) F5
B) Ctrl + R
C) Ctrl + F
D) Both A and B

Correct Answer: D

14. What is the shortcut key to find text within a document or webpage?

A) Ctrl + H
B) Ctrl + F
C) Ctrl + P
D) Ctrl + R

Correct Answer: B

15. Which shortcut key combination is used to open Task Manager in Windows?

A) Ctrl + Alt + Del
B) Ctrl + Shift + Esc
C) Alt + Tab
D) Ctrl + Esc

Correct Answer: B

16. What is the shortcut key to lock your Windows computer?

A) Windows + L
B) Ctrl + L
C) Alt + L
D) Ctrl + Alt + L

Correct Answer: A

17. To open the "Run" dialog box in Windows, which shortcut key is used?

A) Windows + R
B) Windows + S
C) Ctrl + R
D) Windows + F

Correct Answer: A

18. What is the shortcut to take a screenshot of the entire screen in Windows?

A) PrtScn
B) Ctrl + PrtScn
C) Alt + PrtScn
D) Shift + PrtScn

Correct Answer: A

19. Which shortcut is used to open the Start menu in Windows?

A) Ctrl + Esc
B) Windows + Esc
C) Windows Key
D) Alt + Esc

Correct Answer: C

20. What is the shortcut key for opening File Explorer in Windows?

A) Windows + E
B) Windows + F
C) Ctrl + E
D) Alt + E

Correct Answer: A

21. To open the search bar in Windows, which shortcut is used?

A) Ctrl + F
B) Windows + S
C) Ctrl + H
D) Windows + E

Correct Answer: B

22. What is the shortcut for bolding text in most word processors?

A) Ctrl + B
B) Ctrl + I
C) Ctrl + U
D) Ctrl + E

Correct Answer: A

23. Which shortcut is used to italicize selected text?

A) Ctrl + I
B) Ctrl + B
C) Ctrl + U
D) Ctrl + P

Correct Answer: A

24. What is the shortcut for underlining text?

A) Ctrl + I
B) Ctrl + U
C) Ctrl + B
D) Ctrl + N

Correct Answer: B

25. Which shortcut key is used to align text to the left?

A) Ctrl + E
B) Ctrl + L
C) Ctrl + R
D) Ctrl + J

Correct Answer: B

26. What is the shortcut key for centering text?

A) Ctrl + C
B) Ctrl + R
C) Ctrl + L
D) Ctrl + E

Correct Answer: D

27. To align text to the right, which shortcut is used?

A) Ctrl + E
B) Ctrl + R
C) Ctrl + L
D) Ctrl + P

Correct Answer: B

28. What is the shortcut for justifying text?

A) Ctrl + L
B) Ctrl + R
C) Ctrl + E
D) Ctrl + J

Correct Answer: D

29. Which shortcut key is used to delete selected text or items?

A) Delete
B) Ctrl + Delete
C) Ctrl + Backspace
D) Backspace

Correct Answer: A

30. To create a new folder in Windows, what is the shortcut?

A) Ctrl + Shift + N
B) Ctrl + N
C) Windows + N
D) Shift + N

Correct Answer: A

31. What is the shortcut key to open the properties window for a selected item?

A) Alt + Enter
B) Ctrl + Enter
C) Alt + Shift
D) Ctrl + Shift

Correct Answer: A

32. Which shortcut key closes the current document or tab?

A) Ctrl + W
B) Ctrl + F4
C) Alt + F4
D) Both A and B

Correct Answer: D

33. What is the shortcut for reopening a closed tab in most web browsers?

A) Ctrl + Shift + T
B) Ctrl + T
C) Ctrl + W
D) Ctrl + Tab

Correct Answer: A

34. To create a new tab in most web browsers, which shortcut is used?

A) Ctrl + N
B) Ctrl + T
C) Ctrl + W
D) Ctrl + Shift + T

Correct Answer: B

35. Which shortcut is used to switch between tabs in most web browsers?

A) Ctrl + Tab
B) Alt + Tab
C) Ctrl + T
D) Ctrl + W

Correct Answer: A

36. What is the shortcut key to close all windows at once in Windows?

A) Alt + F4
B) Ctrl + W
C) Ctrl + F4
D) Alt + Shift

Correct Answer: A

37. To open the system properties in Windows, which shortcut is used?

A) Windows + Pause/Break
B) Ctrl + Pause
C) Alt + Pause
D) Windows + P

Correct Answer: A

38. What is the shortcut for creating a new virtual desktop in Windows?

A) Ctrl + D
B) Windows + D
C) Ctrl + Shift + D
D) Windows + Ctrl + D

Correct Answer: D

39. Which shortcut key is used to minimize all windows in Windows?

A) Windows + M
B) Ctrl + M
C) Alt + M
D) Windows + N

Correct Answer: A

40. What is the shortcut for showing the desktop in Windows?

A) Windows + D
B) Ctrl + D
C) Alt + D
D) Windows + Shift + D

Correct Answer: A

41. To open the notification center in Windows, which shortcut is used?

A) Windows + A
B) Windows + N
C) Ctrl + N
D) Ctrl + A

Correct Answer: A

42. What is the shortcut key for snapping a window to the left side in Windows?

A) Windows + Left Arrow
B) Ctrl + Left Arrow
C) Windows + Shift + Left
D) Ctrl + Shift + Left

Correct Answer: A

43. Which shortcut is used to open the emoji panel in Windows?

A) Windows + ;
B) Ctrl + ;
C) Ctrl + Shift + ;
D) Alt + ;

Correct Answer: A

44. What is the shortcut to move to the beginning of a document?

A) Ctrl + Home
B) Ctrl + End
C) Alt + Home
D) Shift + Home

Correct Answer: A

45. Which shortcut is used to move to the end of a document?

A) Ctrl + End
B) Ctrl + Home
C) Alt + End
D) Shift + End

Correct Answer: A

46. What is the shortcut key to switch between virtual desktops in Windows?

A) Windows + Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow
B) Windows + Alt + Tab
C) Ctrl + Shift + Left/Right Arrow
D) Windows + Shift + Tab

Correct Answer: A

47. Which shortcut key opens the clipboard history in Windows 10 and later?

A) Windows + V
B) Ctrl + V
C) Alt + V
D) Ctrl + Shift + V

Correct Answer: A

48. What is the shortcut for increasing text size in most web browsers?

A) Ctrl + +
B) Ctrl + -
C) Ctrl + 0
D) Ctrl + Shift + +

Correct Answer: A

49. Which shortcut is used to decrease text size in most web browsers?

A) Ctrl + -
B) Ctrl + +
C) Ctrl + 0
D) Ctrl + Shift + -

Correct Answer: A

50. What is the shortcut key to reset text size to default in most web browsers?

A) Ctrl + 0
B) Ctrl + +
C) Ctrl + -
D) Ctrl + Shift + 0

Correct Answer: A


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