30 MCQ on Computer Memory


  1. What is the basic unit of information in computing?

    • A) Byte
    • B) Bit
    • C) Word
    • D) Nibble
    • E) Block
  2. Which of the following is equivalent to 1024 bytes?

    • A) 1 KB
    • B) 1 MB
    • C) 1 GB
    • D) 1 TB
    • E) 1 PB
  3. How many bits are in a byte?

    • A) 4
    • B) 8
    • C) 16
    • D) 32
    • E) 64
  4. Which storage size is the smallest?

    • A) Megabyte
    • B) Gigabyte
    • C) Terabyte
    • D) Kilobyte
    • E) Petabyte
  5. What does RAM stand for in computer memory?

    • A) Read Access Memory
    • B) Random Available Memory
    • C) Random Access Memory
    • D) Read Available Memory
    • E) Read And Memory
  6. What type of memory is non-volatile and used to store firmware?

    • A) RAM
    • B) ROM
    • C) Cache
    • D) Register
    • E) SDRAM
  7. Which of the following describes the storage capacity of a floppy disk?

    • A) 1.44 MB
    • B) 2.44 GB
    • C) 10 KB
    • D) 1.44 GB
    • E) 500 MB
  8. What is the main difference between RAM and ROM?

    • A) RAM is volatile, ROM is non-volatile
    • B) RAM is larger, ROM is smaller
    • C) RAM is slower, ROM is faster
    • D) RAM is for storage, ROM is for computing
    • E) ROM is for processing data, RAM is for storing
  9. How many bytes are there in a kilobyte (KB) according to the binary system?

    • A) 1000
    • B) 1024
    • C) 2048
    • D) 512
    • E) 800
  10. Which of the following is an example of volatile memory?

    • A) SSD
    • B) HDD
    • C) RAM
    • D) ROM
    • E) Flash Memory
  11. Which type of memory is primarily used for temporary storage while a program is running?

    • A) RAM
    • B) ROM
    • C) Hard Drive
    • D) CD-ROM
    • E) USB Drive
  12. What is the full form of EEPROM?

    • A) Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
    • B) Electrically Enhanced Programmable Read-Only Memory
    • C) Electrically Emitted Programmable Read-Only Memory
    • D) Electronically Erased Primary Read-Only Memory
    • E) Extended Erasable Primary Read-Only Memory
  13. Which of the following is the largest unit of storage?

    • A) Terabyte
    • B) Gigabyte
    • C) Kilobyte
    • D) Megabyte
    • E) Petabyte
  14. How many megabytes are there in a gigabyte?

    • A) 100
    • B) 500
    • C) 1024
    • D) 2048
    • E) 10,000
  15. Which memory technology is faster but more expensive than RAM?

    • A) ROM
    • B) Cache
    • C) Hard Disk
    • D) SSD
    • E) EEPROM
  16. Which memory type retains data even when power is lost?

    • A) RAM
    • B) ROM
    • C) Cache
    • D) CPU Register
    • E) DRAM
  17. What is the primary purpose of cache memory in a computer?

    • A) Permanent data storage
    • B) Short-term storage for frequently accessed data
    • C) Long-term data backup
    • D) Internet browsing history storage
    • E) Gaming data storage
  18. In computing, what does the term "word" refer to?

    • A) A unit of storage equivalent to 8 bits
    • B) A unit of storage that varies depending on the architecture
    • C) A piece of text in a document
    • D) A sequence of 16 bits
    • E) A combination of bits representing characters
  19. What does SDRAM stand for?

    • A) Synchronous Data Readable Access Memory
    • B) Static Dynamic Random Access Memory
    • C) Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
    • D) Super Dynamic Read Access Memory
    • E) Sequential Dynamic Readable Access Memory
  20. Which memory type is integrated directly into the CPU to speed up processes?

    • A) RAM
    • B) ROM
    • C) Cache
    • D) SSD
    • E) Flash Memory
  21. Which of the following is measured in nanoseconds?

    • A) Hard disk access time
    • B) RAM speed
    • C) ROM speed
    • D) Processor clock speed
    • E) Cache memory access time
  22. Which type of memory is typically used for BIOS in a computer?

    • A) RAM
    • B) EEPROM
    • C) ROM
    • D) Cache
    • E) HDD
  23. What does DRAM stand for?

    • A) Double Read Access Memory
    • B) Dynamic Random Access Memory
    • C) Direct Random Access Memory
    • D) Disk Random Access Memory
    • E) Distributed Read Access Memory
  24. How is virtual memory different from physical memory?

    • A) Virtual memory is stored on RAM, physical memory is on a disk
    • B) Virtual memory is an extension of RAM using hard disk space
    • C) Virtual memory is faster than physical memory
    • D) Virtual memory only works when RAM is full
    • E) Physical memory stores applications, virtual memory stores data
  25. Which is a characteristic of solid-state drives (SSDs) compared to traditional hard drives (HDDs)?

    • A) Slower read/write speeds
    • B) Less reliable storage
    • C) Uses spinning disks
    • D) No moving parts
    • E) Higher power consumption
  26. Which of the following is NOT a type of computer memory?

    • A) DRAM
    • B) SRAM
    • C) ROM
    • D) Hard Disk
    • E) RAM
  27. Which is an example of secondary storage?

    • A) RAM
    • B) Cache
    • C) SSD
    • D) CPU Registers
    • E) Virtual Memory
  28. What is the smallest addressable unit of memory?

    • A) Byte
    • B) Bit
    • C) Nibble
    • D) Word
    • E) Double Word
  29. What is the process of copying data from RAM to secondary storage called?

    • A) Paging
    • B) Swapping
    • C) Partitioning
    • D) Formatting
    • E) Fragmentation
  30. Which type of memory is often used in mobile devices due to its low power consumption?

    • A) ROM
    • B) Flash Memory
    • C) DRAM
    • D) SRAM
    • E) Cache






  1. B) Bit
    Explanation: A bit is the smallest unit of data in a computer and can be either 0 or 1.

  2. A) 1 KB
    Explanation: A kilobyte (KB) is equivalent to 1024 bytes in binary systems.

  3. B) 8
    Explanation: A byte is composed of 8 bits, which is the most commonly used unit of data.

  4. D) Kilobyte
    Explanation: Kilobytes (KB) are smaller than megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), terabytes (TB), and petabytes (PB).

  5. C) Random Access Memory
    Explanation: RAM stands for Random Access Memory, a type of volatile memory used for temporary storage.

  6. B) ROM
    Explanation: Read-Only Memory (ROM) is non-volatile and stores firmware, which is essential for booting up a computer.

  7. A) 1.44 MB
    Explanation: A standard floppy disk has a storage capacity of 1.44 MB.

  8. A) RAM is volatile, ROM is non-volatile
    Explanation: RAM requires power to retain data, while ROM retains its data even without power.

  9. B) 1024
    Explanation: In binary systems, 1 kilobyte equals 1024 bytes (2^10).

  10. C) RAM
    Explanation: RAM is a type of volatile memory, meaning it loses data when power is turned off.

  11. A) RAM
    Explanation: RAM is used for temporary storage while a program is running, allowing fast access to data.

  12. A) Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
    Explanation: EEPROM is a type of non-volatile memory that can be reprogrammed and erased electronically.

  13. E) Petabyte
    Explanation: A petabyte (PB) is larger than a terabyte (TB), gigabyte (GB), megabyte (MB), and kilobyte (KB).

  14. C) 1024
    Explanation: In binary terms, 1 gigabyte (GB) is equal to 1024 megabytes (MB).

  15. B) Cache
    Explanation: Cache memory is faster and more expensive than RAM and is used for quick data access by the CPU.

  16. B) ROM
    Explanation: ROM retains data even when the power is off, unlike volatile memory like RAM.

  17. B) Short-term storage for frequently accessed data
    Explanation: Cache memory temporarily stores frequently used data for quick access by the CPU, improving performance.

  18. B) A unit of storage that varies depending on the architecture
    Explanation: A "word" in computing refers to the amount of data the processor can handle in a single operation, which varies by system architecture.

  19. C) Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
    Explanation: SDRAM is a type of RAM that synchronizes with the system clock for improved performance.

  20. C) Cache
    Explanation: Cache memory is integrated directly into the CPU and provides faster access to frequently used data than RAM.

  21. E) Cache memory access time
    Explanation: Cache memory operates at very high speeds and its access time is measured in nanoseconds.

  22. C) ROM
    Explanation: The BIOS of a computer is typically stored in ROM, as it needs to be preserved even when the computer is powered off.

  23. B) Dynamic Random Access Memory
    Explanation: DRAM is a type of RAM that stores each bit of data in a separate capacitor and needs constant refreshing.

  24. B) Virtual memory is an extension of RAM using hard disk space
    Explanation: Virtual memory uses hard disk space to extend the capacity of physical RAM, enabling larger programs to run on systems with limited RAM.

  25. D) No moving parts
    Explanation: Solid-state drives (SSDs) have no moving parts, unlike traditional hard disk drives (HDDs), which makes them faster and more reliable.

  26. D) Hard Disk
    Explanation: A hard disk is a type of storage, not memory, as it retains data permanently and doesn't lose data when power is turned off.

  27. C) SSD
    Explanation: Secondary storage, such as an SSD, is used to store data permanently, unlike primary memory like RAM.

  28. B) Bit
    Explanation: The smallest addressable unit of memory is a bit, which represents a binary value of 0 or 1.

  29. B) Swapping
    Explanation: Swapping is the process of moving data from RAM to secondary storage (like a hard drive) to free up RAM for other tasks.

  30. B) Flash Memory
    Explanation: Flash memory, due to its low power consumption and non-volatility, is widely used in mobile devices.





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